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Icarum launches SAFETYUM

Icarum launches Safetyum, whose duties among other concern:

  • Design and development of Operational Safety Management Systems.


Elaboration of the Manuals, procedures and processes that will allow the implementation of a system that improves the operational safety of the company from a preventive point of view

  • Operational Safety Risk Evaluation.

Elaboration of a Risk Matrix where operational safety hazards are identified, analyzed and evaluated. It includes a list of controls for the mitigation of such risks.




  • Audit of Operational Safety Management Systems.

Carrying out an Audit of the Security Management System and subsequent elaboration of an Audit Report identifying deviations from the company’s procedures and opportunities for improvement.

  • Creation and development of the Safety Culture.


Elaboration of an Action Plan (Communication Plan, Fair Culture Policy…) for the creation and growth of a Safety Culture, which is one of the pillars of a company’s safety.

  • Formation of teams in Operational Safety.

Design and implementation of training on operational safety needs. Personalized training adapted to the organization.


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