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Services of ICARUM

We offer specific services when we give an added value to our customers: services in airports and infrastructures, services for airlines, airport operators, aeronautic businesses, public entities and local and regional administrations.

Commercial management for air transport businesses

ICARUM develops business management plans geared to each client to find the best solution.
– Analysis of routes.
– Rights management and interline traffic.
– Management of AOC.
– Informatics and IT plans.
– HR Solutions (Goal Plane®/ Goal Staff ®, of ).

“ICARUM has positioned us in working with major clients nationally and internationally. Together, we have developed several projects and we are going to go on doing so.”

Jerónimo Garrido, Commercial Director
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All rights reserved, © 2012 ICARUM
C/ Zurbano, 56 28010 Madrid - (+34) 917 02 44 97 - (+34) 609 08 84 80
C/ Saridakis, 44 07015 Palma de Mallorca - (+34) 609 08 84 80
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